Helping Veterans Heal Through Plant Medicine

Helping Veterans Heal Through Plant Medicine

Jesse Gould, a former Army Ranger who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, struggled with PTSD after his military service. Traditional treatments like therapy and medication did little to alleviate his symptoms, but then he discovered the healing power of plant medicine. Inspired by his own experience, Gould founded the Heroic Hearts Project, a non-profit organization that helps veterans access plant medicine therapies to heal from trauma.


What is the Heroic Hearts Project?


The Heroic Hearts Project is a non-profit organization that provides support and access to plant medicine therapies, like ayahuasca and iboga, to veterans who are struggling with mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and addiction. The organization works with a network of retreat centers and providers to offer safe and supportive environments for veterans to heal and integrate their experiences.


How did Jesse Gould start the Heroic Hearts Project?


After experiencing the healing power of plant medicine himself, Gould was inspired to help other veterans access this transformative therapy. He founded the Heroic Hearts Project in 2017 and began organizing retreats for veterans to experience plant medicine in a safe and supportive environment.


Since its inception, the Heroic Hearts Project has helped over 100 veterans access plant medicine therapy, and the organization continues to expand its reach through partnerships with retreat centers and providers around the world.


What is the impact of the Heroic Hearts Project?


The impact of the Heroic Hearts Project is profound, both for the veterans who participate in the program and for the wider community. Plant medicine therapies have been shown to be highly effective in treating mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and addiction, and the Heroic Hearts Project provides a safe and supportive space for veterans to experience this healing firsthand.


The organization also helps to destigmatize plant medicine therapy and bring awareness to the potential benefits of this treatment modality. By helping veterans heal from trauma, the Heroic Hearts Project is also contributing to a larger cultural shift towards greater awareness and understanding of mental health issues and the need for effective treatments.


The Heroic Hearts Project and its founder Jesse Gould are on the front lines of the movement to destigmatize and expand access to plant medicine therapy. By providing support and access to these transformative therapies, the organization is helping veterans heal from trauma and contributing to a larger cultural shift towards greater awareness and understanding of mental health issues.

If you or a loved one is a veteran struggling with mental health issues, consider reaching out to the Heroic Hearts Project to learn more about their program and how plant medicine therapy can help you heal.

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