Quiz:  What's your Dosha Type?

Quiz: What's your Dosha Type?

Ayurveda categorizes individuals into three primary dosha types: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These dosha types represent different combinations of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) and have distinct physical, emotional, and mental characteristics. Keep in mind that this quiz is for informational purposes only and should not replace a consultation with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. Answer the following questions to determine your dominant dosha type:


Body Build
  • A. Thin, slender, or underweight.
  • B. Moderate build, average weight.
  • C. Stout or heavyset, tendency to gain weight.


Skin Texture
  • A. Dry, rough, or thin.
  • B. Sensitive, prone to redness, or freckled.
  • C. Oily, smooth, or thick.


Hair Texture
  • A. Dry, thin, or frizzy.
  • B. Fine or prone to premature graying.
  • C. Thick, oily, or lustrous.


  • A. Irregular or variable appetite.
  • B. Strong, can't skip meals, sometimes acidic.
  • C. Steady and can go without food for extended periods.


  • A. Irregular, prone to bloating, and gas.
  • B. Strong, but may have occasional heartburn or acidity.
  • C. Slow, steady, and efficient.


Sleep Pattern
  • A. Light sleeper, easily disturbed sleep.
  • B. Medium sleeper, occasionally disturbed.
  • C. Deep sleeper, difficult to wake up in the morning.


Energy Levels
  • A. High energy in short bursts, prone to fatigue.
  • B. Moderate, steady energy levels.
  • C. Consistent and enduring energy.


  • A. Anxious, worrisome, or nervous.
  • B. Ambitious, easily frustrated or irritable.
  • C. Calm, content, and patient.


Climate Preference
  • A. Warm and humid climates.
  • B. Moderate and cool climates.
  • C. Dry and cool climates.


Activity Level
  • A. Always on the move, can't sit still.
  • B. Active but with occasional rest.
  • C. Laid back, prefers relaxation.


Now, tally your answers.


  • Count the number of A's, B's, and C's you selected.
  • Your dominant dosha is the one with the most corresponding answers.




  • If you have mostly A's, you are predominantly Vata.
  • If you have mostly B's, you are predominantly Pitta.
  • If you have mostly C's, you are predominantly Kapha.


Remember that most people have a combination of doshas, with one or two being more dominant. Ayurveda aims to balance these doshas to promote overall well-being, so it's essential to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized recommendations and treatments.

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